East Cinder Knoll

The East Cinder Knoll trail is generally accessed from a stepover off 600 North in the City of Hurricane immediately west of the city public works facilities at the foot of the gravel road to the Search and Rescue facility and gravity pond on top of the hill.  Parking is limited to a single pullover on the side of 600 North.  The 2-track lava trail is about 1.5 miles in length, round trip, and provides a loop at the top.  Elevation gain from bottom to top is about 300 feet.  The knoll consists of a sizable volcanic cone made of black lava cinders. Easy is most places, the lava rock and cinders can be tricky on a steep portion of the main trail nearer the top, especially on decent.  Excellent views of the Virgin River Gorge and the Sandstone Mountain complex to the north and of the Hurricane Valley to the south are enjoyed by most visitors to the site.  Common wildlife in the area consist of rabbits, hawks, small desert birds, lizards, and occasional desert tortoises.  A ½ mile 2-track connector trail, called 600 North, parellels the city road and connects the East and West Knolls for those who wish to visit both.  The trail is generally suitable for hikers, equestrians, and most bikers and lies entirely on lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management in the Red Cliffs NCA.

BLM Website for East Cinder Knoll