Educational Programs

Educational Programs Available

Washington County and Snow Canyon State Park provide educational programs for a range of age groups. The county has an outreach and education coordinator and programs for schools and community groups that include live animals. Contact Snow Canyon State Park at (435) 628-2255 or the Red Cliffs Desert Reserve Outreach Coordinator at (435) 301-7435.

Individuals interested in scientific field studies at both the graduate and undergraduate levels are encouraged to contact reserve managers. Well-designed studies provide managers with valuable data that may expand current understanding of the reserve’s wildlife and plant communities and help managers recognize when recreational impacts significantly affect reserve resources.

Have animals, will travel!

Call to schedule a time to come into the visitor center to see the animals at their home. We prefer groups of 20 or less, but for groups over 20 we can bring the animals to you! The Red Cliff’s Outreach and Education Program is designed to educate local community members about The Reserve, its vital resources, wildlife, and even recreational opportunities.   How would you like a representative to visit your classroom or user group?  We can pack up and travel to you with tailored presentations to virtually any group, including fitness resorts and spas, HOA’s, local scout groups, classrooms of all ages, and much more.

The Habitat Conservation Plan of Washington County houses local animal species for educational purposes.  These animals include: Mojave Desert Tortoises, a Gila Monster, Kingsnakes, Salamanders, a Tarantula, and a Scorpion.