Explore the Reserve

Someone Else’s Home

First and foremost, the Reserve is desert habitat that was set aside for the protection of the Mojave Desert Tortoise.  It is important that outdoor enthusiasts and recreational users alike respect this expansive habitat and the sensitive wildlife that depends on it.  Remember that you are visiting another’s home, so please follow posted regulations, keep to the trail and always practice Leave No Trace.

Parents can help keep fragile habitat protected when they lead by example.  When adults practice good outdoor ethics, youth are sure to follow.  Please help educate children by reminding them, “Don’t Walk Away” from the trail:


Dear visitor, welcome!  We thank you so much
On this day you have come to explore with us
ow please lend an ear for a moment or so
o hear some advice before you go:

When you find a secret and natural place,
Always consider if it is safe; before
Leaving a trail and walking away, please-
now you’re visiting another’s home today.

A simple act of respecting what’s wild
Will ensure protection of each sacred mile.
dmire please, from each well-traveled path, and
Your Desert Reserve will welcome you back!

Explore Responsibly

While the Red Cliffs Desert Reserve is vital habitat for protected wildlife species, it is still here for you to enjoy and explore, responsibly. View online—or print out—our many trail maps to guide you in your exploration of the reserve. Before you explore, brush up on the various forms of wildlife our area has to offer. You can also get to know the many kinds of plants that live throughout the Red Cliffs Desert Reserve’s varied geology. With so much useful information at your fingertips, you have no excuse but to get out there and learn more.

Get started by clicking one of the following: