
Horseback riders enjoy both short trail rides and extended backcountry travel in the reserve. Equestrian users get to see parts of the reserve seldom visited by others because they can generally travel greater distances and across sandy areas more easily.

Water is largely unavailable in the reserve, so drinking water should be carried at all times.

Camping. Camping with horses is permitted only in the Upland Zone. Also, with a few exceptions, water is largely unavailable. When camping in the upper reaches of the reserve, minimal impact Leave No Trace guidelines must be followed. No off-trail and/or overnight horse use is permitted in Snow Canyon.

Weed-Free Hay. Users of BLM-administered lands in Utah, including the Red Cliffs Desert Reserve, are now required to use only certified noxious weed-free hay, straw or mulch. Approved products for livestock feed on public lands include pellets, hay cubes, processed and certified hay. For more information regarding use of weed-free hay on public lands in Washington County, contact the Range Conservationist at the St. George BLM office (435) 688-3200.

Tree Tying. Because tree tying horses has substantial vegetation impacts, it is not permitted in the reserve.

A complete guide to Equestrian LNT principles can be obtained by contacting
the Backcountry Horsemen of Washington County
P.O. Box 3174
St. George, UT 84771.