Pioneer Hills
The Pioneer Hills trail is most often accessed from the Pioneer Hills trailhead off the Red Hills Parkway north of St. George City’s metro area. The trailhead provides ample parking for numerous vehicles including trailers. Visitors take the relatively easy east-bound trail link up hill to a powerline road which runs about 0.7 miles to the Junction with the T-Bone trail. Popular with bikers, hikers, runners, and equestrians, this wide two-track makes a nice 2.5 mile loop when linked with the T-Bone south and Pioneer Rim west trail segments to come back around to the trailhead. Total elevation change on the loop is about 580 feet. The trail and the extended loop lie wholly across lands owned by the City of St. George in the semi-primitive Pioneer Park.
- The Pioneer Hills trail map shows its linkages with other connecting trails.
- Most people access the trail from the Pioneer Hills trailhead located on the Red Hills Parkway north of St. George City’s Pioneer Park.
- The trail starts out as a single-track, dirt trail with a slight uphill gradient, easily traveled by families.
- About 100 yards past the trailhead, the trail takes a jog to the right to take hikers and bikers up to the powerline road that constitutes the majority of the trail.
- At this junction on the powerline road, visitors may connect with the Pioneer Rim trail that drops hikers down into the Pioneer Park area. Staying with the powerline road heading east, visitors will complete the Pioneer Hills trail.
- Through most of its length the Pioneer Hills trail consists of a maintenance road that is suitable for hiking, biking, and equestrian use.
- Occasional views from the trail allow visitors to see portions of the southern mountains and glimpses of the St. George metropolitan area.
- Numerous undesignated routes breaking off from the Pioneer Hills trail represent old jeep roads that are no longer open for visitor travel. Please help us restore these areas to their natural habitat by staying on the authorized trail.
- During the wet season, visitors may see floral displays along portions of the trail. Best times are March – May.
- The Pioneer Hills trail ends at this junction with the T-Bone trail which can be used as a loop down to the Pioneer Rim trail and bring visitors back around to the original trailhead.