Gap Trailhead
Travelling on Snow Canyon Parkway in northwest St. George, turn northeast on Castle Rock Road (one block west of the Lakota Drive traffic signal) and proceed to the “T” intersection with Cascade Canyon Drive. Turn right and find the trailhead on your left in about 100 yards. Only on-street parking is available. Parking is recommended on the north side of the street. Please refrain from parking directly in front of private residences wherever possible. Hikers and bikers are accommodated at the trailhead. No facilities exist other than a fenced entryway and trail signs with a map and agency rules and requirements. Equestrian use is not recommended here. Equestrians are better served out of the Chuckwalla trailhead off State Hwy 18 just north of its intersection with Snow Canyon Parkway. The Gap trailhead serves multiple loop trails in Paradise Canyon starting with the Gap trail that has direct links to the Gecko and Paradise Rim trails and indirect links to the Turtle Wall, Halfway Wash, Beck Hill, Chuckwalla, Gila, and Scout Cave trails. The trailhead entry lies on an easement across private ground and leads to lands administered by the BLM within the Red Cliffs NCA.
- This map shows how the Gap trailhead can be accessed off of Snow Canyon Parkway in northwest St. George.
- The trailhead consists of on-street parking on Cascade Canyon Drive at the top of the hill, north of Snow Canyon Parkway.
- This photo shows the relationship of the trailhead to the Gap, Gecko, and Paradise Rim trails.
- This photo shows the trailhead access easement across private lands to reach the border of the Red Cliffs Desert Reserve.