(Procyon lotor)

RacoonThese omnivorous furbearers occur throughout the lower-48 states. In Utah, raccoons are non-native and are responsible for the majority of urban wildlife problems in the state. They carry a variety of diseases that may be transmittable to people and domestic dogs. If you are having issues with raccoons in your yard or you observe a raccoon that may be acting overly tame or aggressively, please keep your distance, and contact the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.

Some raccoon facts: Male raccoons may travel miles in search of a mate from January to March. Dens are located in hollow trees, logs, rock crevices, or burrows. Clearcutting can seriously reduce the availability of den sites. One to 7 young are born from April to May after a 63 day gestation period. Weaning occurs after 2-4 months and the young will be independent by winter. Adults occupy home ranges of 0.6 to 4 square miles.

See this Utah State University publication for additional information on raccoons:
